The edges of your granite or quartz countertops are a crucial element in choosing your final design, as they will determine the look of your space. So, when it comes to selecting granite, we know that choosing the right edge profile for your granite countertop is an important decision. The edge profile can enhance the beauty of your countertop and add character to your kitchen. Moreover, a high-quality countertop edge can increase the value of your home.
In this blog, we will also guide you to choose the best granite countertop edge and help you choose the one that best suits your needs.
Unique Edging Options For Your Granite Countertop
Straight Edge
If you are looking for a simple and clean edge that gives your granite countertop a modern look, you should count on this option. If you are renovating your kitchen and making it modern, then a straight edge can increase the curb appeal of the place. In addition, this is also the best option if you are looking for a basic, rich edge for your kitchen countertop.
Beveled Edge
This is another and the most important edge that has a 45-degree angle cut along the top edge of your countertop. This unique design will add a subtle enhancing touch to your edge. Furthermore, this is an extraordinary choice for those who need an exemplary look with a cutting-edge curve. So, if you want to make your countertop look thinner and lighter, then opt for a Beveled edge profile. This is the perfect choice for showcasing the beauty of your granite.
Rounded Edge
Do you have a traditional kitchen setup? Do you want to install a classic and timeless edge to increase the value of the place? Choose a rounded or bullnose edge profile. Its specialized features give your granite countertop in Blackburn a smooth appearance. In addition, if you install this edge in your kitchen, it will make your maintenance easier. For this reason, this is the popular choice for most of the families in the UK. Nowadays you can use this solution in contemporary kitchens also.
Ogee Edge
To add sophistication to your granite countertop, you can use an ogee edge profile which is truly a decorative edge. Its S-shaped curve feature gives a luxurious and ornate look to your countertop. Despite its incomprehensible plane, this edge profile requires more maintenance than others, but it is definitely worth it to add a touch of grandeur to your kitchen or bathroom. So, feel the sense of luxury on your granite countertop with Ogee Edge.
Waterfall Edge
If you looking for a modern as well as contemporary edge option that is increasingly popular in modern homes, what can be a better option than Waterfall Edge? It has a consistent flow from the highest point of the overhang to the floor. This will create a smooth and refined look and make the place perfect for those who want a bold and dramatic statement piece in their kitchen or bathroom.
Laminated Edge
This is one of the most used edging options which have multiple pieces of granite layering to create a thicker, more substantial look. With this option, you can create a unique, personalized look by combining contrasting colors and patterns. Therefore, before installing the best Granite countertops in Bolton in your kitchen, you should talk to the professionals regarding this matter.
Ending note!
After reading this content you will have a solid idea about each of the edging options of granite. But one point is left still, which is, what is the most popular edge for granite countertops. Well, the most popular option is half bullnose edge. This is a versatile option because it can add a touch of sophistication to both traditional and modern kitchen designs. In addition, above mentioned are also the popular edge profiles for granite countertops.
At Stone Valley Work Surfaces, we offer a wide range of edge profiles for your granite countertop, each with its own unique features and benefits. We hope this guide has helped you choose the ideal edge profile that meets your needs and complements your style. Find out more about our granite countertops and edge profiles, and let us help you create the kitchen or bathroom of your dreams.